What is Tamarind? what are the Benefits of Tamarind
What is Tamarind?
Nature really does provide some delicious treats for us and Tamarind is one of them! However apart from being a great tasting snack or popular middle eastern drink, tamarind has some very powerful health benefits. Man invented toxic fluoride – Sodium Fluoride (NaF) – and nature it seems preempted the disastrous effects of Sodium Fluoride on the human body and invented Tamarind as an antidote. Scientific studies demonstrate that tamarind can effectively eliminate fluoride from the body.
Medicinal Use of tamarind:
Medicinal use of tamarind is so broad that it would be difficult to compile a definitive list. Curative value among digestion and skin disorders, it has also been used to treat aliments such as conjunctivitis, dysentery and haemorrhoids, and joint sprains.
Tamarind Pineal Gland:
Tamarind helps the decalcification process by extracting fluoride from our skeletal system and endocrine which includes the pineal gland and, supports the elimination process of the collected fluorine through bodily fluids. Though native to Africa, tamarind is both a traditional and modern staple ingredient of Ayurvedic medicine, mentioned in the Ayurvedic book Vagbhata’s Astangahrdaya, dated 600 AD.
Usually made in to a tea or tincture, tamarind is used to push Sodium Fluorine out of the body.
About Tamarind:
Botanical Name – Tamarindus Indica
Persians and Arabic name – “tamar hindi” – Indian date
Indigenous tribes of Africa consider the tamarind tree as a sacred and healing tree. Burmese folklore tells of the tamarind tree being home to the god of rain. Hindus have a beautiful, custom of marrying a tamarind tree to a mango tree before eating the tangy fruit of the tamarind tree. In In Malaysia, a tiny mixture of milk of coconut and tamarind is given to a new-born baby. It is also thought that elephants who graze on the tamarind tree, become the wisest elephants of all.
All parts of the tamarind tree have been used in traditional remedies to treat various human and animal complaints. However tamarind’s most known and common usage is that of a souring agent in food recipes.
The Tamarind tree is native to Africa occupying parts of Sudan and Nigeria but grows prolifically among the indian subcontinent too. It was however, the Egyptians and Greek populations whom were the first ever people to cultivate Tamarind.
Two types of tamarind are widely available. The most common type is the sour tamarind, picked at an immature stage of growth, the young tamarind is sour and tangy. The other type is sweet tamarind, mainly cultivated in Thailand and eaten on a stick as a sweet treat called “makam wan”, a direct translation of “sweet tamarind”.
Health Benefits Tamarind:
Tamarind is clearly an all rounder, providing sweet delights and sour sensations along with being the village healer. Let’s take a closer look at tamarind’s medicinal applications and what the science community has to say about it all.
Stomach and Intestinal Health:
Studies have shown that regular intake of Tamarind juice can help to treat bowel inflammation, seen in conditions such as Chron’s disease, IBS and painful ulcerative colitis. Tamarind juice is also an effective way to prevent stomach ulcers and neutralise pathogens that may be harmful to the stomach. Tamarind acts as a natural laxative, and although mild in it’s laxative action, has been known to help eliminate parasites from the intestines. Tamarind is also relied upon in countries where Dysentery regularly occurs due to substandard sanitisation of food and water leading to the growth and ingestion of harmful bacterias and parasites. Tamarind is also a great way to stimulate bile production in the liver, which in turn helps us to digest lipids in the small intestine.
Iron Fist:
A rich and valuable source of Iron, tamarind is capable of increasing our red blood cell count, which means our organs and muscles will be getting the oxygen and nutrients they need to function optimally. Due to tamarinds iron punch, consumption can also help to alleviate muscle heaviness, fatigue and in particular anaemia —which leads to an increase of energy when rectified.
Liver Health:
Capable of stimulating the liver to produce beneficial bile to help with digestion of fats, tamarind also boasts the ability to protect us from developing a sluggish liver. A sluggish liver presents with a variety of symptoms including elevated cholesterol and fatigue, weakened immune system and mood related problems. Tamarind keeps the liver in tiptop shape by reducing the possibility of fatty liver by promoting more efficient metabolisation of lipids (bile production). This regulation and reduction of fat accumulation in the liver spells good news for heart health, reduction in stroke risk and protection from diabetic liver damage. Due to tamarinds large quantity of antioxidants, our liver is also protected from damage caused by free radicals and this too enables our liver to run efficiently without clogging up.
Immune System:
Tamarind is chock -full of immune boosting antioxidants. Tamarind is also loaded with Vitamin C, which is an essential vitamin to keep our immune system functioning as it should. Tamarind also contains a host of other health promoting minerals and vitamins, such as potassium, manganese and skin loving Vitamin E. For long term health-protection tamarinds anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties keeps our stomach, bowel and liver functioning optimally and protects us against pathogens and infections due to its antimicrobial and anti-fungal components.